TWEETALIG-BILINGUAL - ‘n Wet wat wapenbesit verbied is onregverdig en onverantwoordelik / A law that will prohibit the possession of firearms is irrational and irresponsible. Dit is ’n mens se konstitusionele reg om jouself te verdedig. Die jagbedryf dra by tot die land se ekonomiese groei. And when citizens are allowed to possess firearms it prevents the government from having all the power and control. Geskik vir graad 8-12. Lengte van die toespraak: 4min+
R 480.00
R 430.00
TWEETALIG-BILINGUAL - ‘n Wet wat wapenbesit verbied is onregverdig en onverantwoordelik / A law that will prohibit the possession of firearms is irrational and irresponsible. Dit is ’n mens se konstitusionele reg om jouself te verdedig. Die jagbedryf dra by tot die land se ekonomiese groei. And when citizens are allowed to possess firearms it prevents the government from having all the power and control. Geskik vir graad 8-12. Lengte van die toespraak: 4min+